Energetic Red

The color of roses, lips, flags, cherries, and dresses. Red symbolizes love, desire, passion, excitement, strength, anger, aggression, energy, stimulation and courage.

Red creates vitality, demands results, encourages achievement, enhances activity, increases pulse rate, nurtures passion, promotes alertness, prompts action, stimulates excitement, and suggests a warm environment.

Colors from this area of the palette include pink, rose, magenta, cranberry, maroon, burgundy, wine, mauve, ruby and crimson. These colors are best suited for active environments such as athletic and sports areas, bathrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, energetic atmospheres, offices, living rooms, and hallways.

Red contributes its own special energy to a space and is ideal in areas where we wish to make bold statements such as a strong and authoritative personality; used in a slightly more muted tone it creates an embracing and cozy area in which to dine and socialize.

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